Thought 45
10 days through Ecclesiastes
As the Lord guided me to prepare this series of thoughts, He impressed upon me that I should not write comments about the chapters; rather, to let His Word speak for itself; so for the next 10 Thoughts, you will read through the book of Ecclesiastes. Allow the Holy Spirit to direct your reading and to guide your heart and spirit during this time. For the readings, either pick up your own Bible or if you don’t have one go to and type in the chapter(s) that you are to read for the corresponding thought. May He teach you and God bless.
Read Ecclesiastes 1
10 days through Ecclesiastes
As the Lord guided me to prepare this series of thoughts, He impressed upon me that I should not write comments about the chapters; rather, to let His Word speak for itself; so for the next 10 Thoughts, you will read through the book of Ecclesiastes. Allow the Holy Spirit to direct your reading and to guide your heart and spirit during this time. For the readings, either pick up your own Bible or if you don’t have one go to and type in the chapter(s) that you are to read for the corresponding thought. May He teach you and God bless.
Read Ecclesiastes 1