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Thursday, November 20, 2014

R.G. Lee’s major points on Evolution

R.G. Lee’s major points on Evolution

“You can no more believe the Bible and Darwin’s theory of evolution than you can be a man and a woman at the same time.”

“ ‘You can not be an informed Christian and a logical evolutionist. We need to awake to the horrible implications of evolution and its denial of the truth of God. The cardinal truth for the Christian is that man was created in the image of God; man fell from his state of innocency and sinlessness; and man, apart from God’s provision in His Son, is lost. The Atonement was necessary for man’s salvation.”

“ ‘The essence of Evolution is that man developed slowly from a speck of protoplasm in the sea; man has not fallen; man has followed an upward course from protoplasm to monkey, from monkey to man, from tree-man to the creature of the Stone Age and Bronze Age, etc.; there was no fall, there was rise; there was no need for atonement, for man has not sinned against God; man is still an unfinished creature, still evolving.”

“ ‘. . . How can a person possibly hold concurrently that man was created perfect and fell–and that man never fell, is still imperfect, still rising?”

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