A Man’s Fight – Purity
A pure life is a righteous life. . . So how do you acquire spiritual purity?
By having a relationship with Jesus Christ. After you have received
salvation from your sin through Christ’s sacrifice you still have “junk” to
deal with in your life and the Holy Spirit will be there to help you deal with
it. By
renewing your mind daily in the Word, the Holy Spirit will realign your focus
to Christ. It is this relationship with the Holy Spirit as the re-aligner, the
counselor, the guide that will gently direct you toward purity if you let Him.
In the realm
of physical purity, you will need to fight a battle and run to Christ for your
strength. There are some great authors such as Joshua Harris and Elizabeth
Eliot who have written extensively on this topic, please check their books out
for deeper study about purity. However, by taking captive your lustful thoughts
and making them obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5) you can start fighting for
your mental purity and this in turn can aid you in keeping your physical purity
(i.e. not having sex outside of marriage or being involved in physical
relationships with women or men).Temptation will come and urge you to give up
your purity, but the temptations are not sin. It is when you dwell on, worry
about, or fantasize about a lustful temptation or thought that you sin. When
temptation comes, remember to run to the Lord and ask Him for help and the Holy
Spirit will direct you on what to do from there (He may do this by bringing
Scriptures to mind that you have familiarized yourself with on purity). Keep
standing, fight the good fight, finish the race!
Your notes on the subject: