The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Man’s Fight – Truth

A Man’s Fight – Truth

    Defending the True Truth is usually very difficult. But how will we know the truth if we don’t know The Truth, the One who gives and is Truth? The answer is: we can’t! God wants to know you personally, as your closest friend, but building a friendship like that takes time and a lot of commitment. Will you begin to pursue Him with a commitment to learn His Truth? Why or why not?


    We will be deceived unless we know the One who will show us truth. That One is, Jesus, the root of all Truth (John 14:6).  If we get to know Him and are willing to seek Him, studying and working to build our relationship with Him, He will show us Himself to us and we will acquire truth. But the key question that I want you to keep in mind is: will I give everything up to obey Christ? If you are willing to say yes to that and truly live by that answer, then God can do wonders through you and to you because have surrendered your will. He does not force us to obey Him. We have a choice and that choice determines if we will know the True Truth.

Your notes on the subject:

The Podcast

The Podcast
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