The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Cleansing of the Inner Depths of the Heart

“Blows that hurt cleanse away evil, as do stripes the inner depths of the heart.” ~ Proverbs 20:30 NKJV

      The blows and stripes referred to in this verse are accurate metaphors of the discipline that we must go through to be cleansed from strongholds and bad habits. In Christ Jesus we are forgiven from all sin, but we often have ungodly habits and strongholds of sin which must be beaten and wounded until they die.

      Our strongholds and bad habits are like cancers that tap into our soul’s “blood supply.” They drain the resources that are meant for our nourishment, peace, and joy. We can never break free from these strongholds without the Lord. Yes, we may break away from some bad habits, but we cannot eradicate the cancerous evil at its very root—only the strength of Christ can do that.

      Likewise as you pursue the wisdom of God, your natural, fleshly man must be beaten and wounded. Your natural inclinations of selfishness must be purged. The process will be painful for you are being separated from the aspects of your old nature which made up you. This process will span the entire length of your life: there will always be another stronghold or something to deal with while you are on this earth, BUT IN CHRIST YOU CAN CONQUER and OBTAIN THE PRIZE!

        As you walk through your life this week remember, dear friends in the Lord, that the blows and wounds—yea the purging of your soul—is necessary for your new life in Christ to continue to grow. Just as a plant must die some day; it will be replaced by another or perhaps many more plants; and the dead plant becomes fertilizer for the new plant. As you abide in Christ, the Lord must discipline you to make room for more of His Spirit and love: to plant new plants, new groves of vegetation that produce fruits of gentleness, love, joy, peace, kindness, self-control and more Christlike character traits where old ones of greed, hate, and condemnation once stood.

     Stand firm and embrace the Lord’s discipline (chastisement) for He is purging your inmost being!  Take Courage brothers and sisters, the Lord is your strength!

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