HOPE FOR WHEN THE STORM HITS is about the realities of what is happening and coming in our country, America (the storm); and the hope that we can have despite it all. Talking with my Grandfather, who was born following the crash that began the Great Depression, I know that he is very concerned about my parents’ and my generation in the midst of the problems going on in our country. Yet, my Grandpa Deason has also shared with me some hopes that I believe are key to motivating those who read this book to move forward intentionally in the midst of another impending “Great Depression.”
The signs are clear. Our nation has wholesale rejected God and pursued evil (Isaiah 5:20-21, Proverbs 8:13). A few, a remnant of dedicated followers of Christ remain. Regardless of one’s spiritual position, almost the entire country has become dependent and comfortable in many ways. If food supplies could no longer be purchased from a store and one had to find and preserve his own food, many would starve and die following a season of trying to steal from those who were somewhat prepared. This book is about casting hope. My Grandfather told me how even though times were “hard and tough” when he grew up and they were “poor” that they had food, a good life, and people were really close back then. What do people want today? Well, the same things ironically. They want close relationships and their basic needs met. Contentment can be summed up pretty well by what my Grandfather told me: “I didn’t try to make a lot of money. But I had a wife and kids, and now look at how many grandkids and great grandkids there are that came from your Grandma and Me. What more could a man ask for?” At the time of this writing some 29 people are either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation descendants (5 children + 18 grandkids + 6 great grandkids) of my Grandfather and Grandmother. Another 9 people are spouses of the 1st and 2nd generation descendants. Family. Relationships. Love. Those are the things that will still be considered the greatest blessings when the coming storm hits (unless the Lord does a miracle and has mercy on us).
Wisdom is more important than gold or silver
“Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold.” Proverbs 3:13-14 ESV
I went for a walk with my Grandfather one Thanksgiving to walk his dog and he told me about his concern for me and my parents’ generation and the mess that the country is in. He told me, “The White House…and Washington, D.C…..you gotta fix it.” This book is my first step in sounding the alarm to that end. I realize that I may never have an opportunity to speak to the leaders of this nation; however, I will write and speak about how to “fix it” by doing the right thing instead of just doing some-thing. What follows is my vision—well really a Biblical conviction based on study of God’s Word and time spent with the Lord—of what we as individuals and families can do. We cannot keep going down the path we are going as a country without consequences. Realistically a storm is coming. God can do a miracle! I pray for Revival, I hope for a complete turnaround, but realistically I have to be honest and so do you that we do not see a 180 happening. However, I do know that Scripture is very clear about this: God will preserve and take care of His Remnant.
The truth is that unless the United States of America dramatically changes course, that the judgment of God will come upon our land (Jeremiah 23, Romans 1:16-32).
But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. Psalms 75:7
And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings Daniel 2:21
Therefore, I believe we must be realistic. God will always preserve a Remnant for Himself, as I will go into later (and am even doing a book project on with a good friend—Ken Zimmerman, Jr. which is scheduled to be released in 2014). But before we go on I want to make clear what my intentions are as we move forward. The reason why I must do this is I am going to mention very specific ways that we can prepare for a coming economic storm; however, without the proper foundation these preparations and ways to increase one’s income will become idols in our lives.
1) Seek and Serve God only
2) Pursue Wisdom
3) Plan Purposefully to Provide for & Protect my Family
4) To Invest in Lasting Things: Relationships, Time with God, a Home (not just a house)
We need to recognize first and foremost our utter need for and dependency on God. You cannot take a breath, enjoy a hot meal, cherish fellowship with a close friend or loved one, learn, or apprehend anything without God! He designed you and your body and your mind in your mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13-14)! God is sovereign and controls all things, when hard times come, He is still with us. The things that you and I must endure during our lifetimes, we will endure in His strength if we abide in Christ. Like Job and Hezekiah, we can trust in the Lord in the midst of our sickness! As the late Adrian Rogers said, “‘Pastor, what should we tell the sick and suffering?’ Tell them that this isn’t God’s final plan; Jesus is coming back.” Daily acknowledge your utter need for God! You must understand your sinful poverty (Rom 3:23, 6:23)! When you understand that, and daily live in a mindset that you are nothing and God is your everything then “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3). And what do the poor in spirit receive? “For theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3)!