The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

He cares for You

"He Careth For You"
Cast all your care upon Jesus,
 Who ever careth for you,
He will sustain and uphold you,
 He will be faithful and true.

Jesus our blessed Redeemer,
 Jesus, our Shepherd and Guide,
Ever will bear all your burdens,
 Ever will stay by your side.

Jesus knows all of your problems,
 Knows all our trial and care,
He's ever ready to help us,
 Ready to answer our prayer.

Oh! what a comfort in trial,
 Just to lean hard on this Friend,
Trust Him for grace and deliverance,
 Learning on Him to depend.

Jesus wants you to be happy,
 Wants you to have peace and rest;
Cast all your care then upon Him,
 Lean on His strong, loving breast.

Careth? Oh yes! Jesus careth,
 His own are dear to His heart;
All His beloved whom He died for,
 They are to Him set apart.

Oh! how He cares for His people,
 Guards them and keeps them alway,
Wants them to share in His glory,
 All through eternity's day.

Make your requests then to Jesus,
 Trusting His promise so true;
Roll on the Lord all your burden,
 For He is caring for you.
—by Lois Beckwith

The Podcast

The Podcast
Find it on Itunes by searching Ryan Marks