The path of the just is as
the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
Prov 4:18 (KJV)
Have I begun this path of heavenly love and knowledge now? Am I
progressing in it? Do I feel some dawnings of the heavenly light, earnests and
antepasts of the full day of glory? Let all God’s dealings serve to quicken me
in my way. Let every affection it may please Him to send, be as the moving
pillar-cloud of old, beckoning me to move my tent onward, saying, “Arise ye and
depart, for this is not your rest.” Let me be often standing now on faith’s
lofty eminences, looking for “the day of God” –the rising sun which is to set
no more in weeping clouds. Wondrous progression! How will all the earth’s
learning, its boasted acquirements and eagle-eyed philosophy sink into the
lispings of very infancy in comparison with this manhood of knowledge! Heaven
will be the true “Excelsior,” its song, “a song of degrees,” Jesus leading His
people from height to height of glory, and saying, as He said to Nathaniel,
“Thou shalt see greater things than these!” –Macduff