The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Saturday, February 28, 2015

Eliminating Poverty

For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.”

John 12:8 KJV

      Jesus taught us something very important in John 12:8. He said that the poor will always be among us. This revelation is huge! Do you know how many political debates in this country and around the world; how many organizations seek to find a solution to world poverty? There’s a lot! But Jesus declares in this passage that we always have the poor among us; that means that all these “solutions” to poverty will never work. No amount of redistributing the wealth or standardizing the pay of workers can ever destroy poverty. Poverty is simply part of humanity, a result of the Fall. However, we are not to ignore poverty, instead we are to lend a helping hand. We are to reach out in the love of Jesus and share the hope He offers. We are to be sowers of that hope. As we disciple people and teach them the whole counsel of the Word of God, many will rise from poverty as they apply God’s principles of diligence and stewardship. However, please remember that poverty is not a sin and it is not necessarily a virtue either. If your heart is after God (Matt. 6:33) it doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor. God bless you all and remember to stay grounded in the Word; it answers so many of the questions that the politics of the worldly realm fight over.

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Four Steps to National Restoration


The Four Steps to National Restoration

If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, 
or if I command the locusts to devour the land,
or if I send pestilence among my people;

If my people, which are called by my name,

shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,

and turn from their wicked ways;

then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their

sin, and will heal their land.

—2 Chronicles 7:13-14 KJV


  For God to heal our land we must do four things:

1. Humble ourselves

2. Pray

3. Seek the Lord’s face

4. Turn from our wicked ways.

 In return, God in His righteous order of things will do three things:

1. He will hear us

2. He will forgive our sin

3. He will heal our land.


    Our duty is to first of all to humble ourselves. After humiliation, we are to pray. Next, we are to seek the face of God (FMM’s Focus: Matthew 6:33). Finally, and perhaps the hardest of all, we must turn from our wicked ways—we must put into practice our faith, not just wish for it.

    In return for following and turning to God instead of to our own intellect, political leaders, false ideas, or the Enemy’s doctrines, God declares that He will hear our prayers. And when He hears, He will forgive our sin and will heal our land!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Laboring with the Character of Christ

Laboring with the Character of Christ

“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trail which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.”

1 Peter 4:12-13 KJV
      As we are persecuted, we are told we are to rejoice! We are to be praising God and thanking Him for the hardship that we have been given to endure. This sounds all fine and dandy, but it is an entirely different matter when I actually have to do it. In the midst of my hardship, I want to complain like the children of Israel did in the desert when things got hard. But this is not what God tells me to do: He does not tell me to give into my fleshly nature. Instead, God tells me to rejoice like Paul and Silas. I dare say that we are also to work like those who built the wall of Jerusalem under Nehemiah’s watchful eye. Hey, persecution came to them, and they adjusted for it to defend themselves; and then kept right on working: the people had a mind to work! Friends, I think that we need that kind of focus: a focus that is so intent upon Christ and what He has called us to do that we will endure through the hardships, rejoicing that God will be even more glorified as His work is accomplished under so called insurmountable odds! The world can’t deny the power and greatness of God when we rejoice in our trails, so intently focused on Christ that we can’t be stopped. Think on such verses as these.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Engage Christ

Engage Christ

      Love God. Love God and Fear Him. Honor Him, praise Him, serve Him only. Give your all to Him and truly mean it. Simply put, make time to get to know Jesus Christ. Nothing else really matters as much; nothing even comes close to the significance of knowing Christ—not even your closest and most intimate friendships. Those are important, but they are not what you were created for—you were created for the glory and pleasure of God—that you may freely choose to serve Him and love Him and not be forced to.

“Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.”   Isaiah 43:7 KJV

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:26-28 KJV

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Benefit of Pictures

The Benefit of Pictures

      Pictures are great inventions that allow us to remember special events in our past. Wedding pictures help you to remember the day that you said I do . . . and realize just how young you both were. Pictures document your child’s changes from before birth and the rest of their life. In short, pictures are awesome and are definitely an invention to be thankful that God allowed man to make. I mean, pictures preserve memories, moments, a landscape, a person. Yes, we should be careful that we don’t worship pictures like graven images (it is possible to do so). Yet we can record our history in another form than print—one that many words just cannot fully describe.

      The smile of your bride when she held your first child, the birthday where you were so blessed to have great family and friends with you, the excitement of your daughter when she gets engaged—all these moments can be “frozen” and preserved in a picture. Let’s pause and thank the Lord for the gift of pictures and for the inexpensive technology to do so.

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Diligent will Rule but the Slothful pay Tribute

The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.”

Proverbs 12:24 KJV

       If you are diligent, God will give you some measure of rule. But if you are lazy, you will be a slave to those that are diligent. In our culture today, many wicked men and women are diligently devoting time and attention—many even their entire lives!—to furthering the doctrines of demons, the teachings of Satan through colleges (and other “education” facets), politics, and businesses. Many of these men and women care nothing about honesty in their dealings because they do not know God. They will propagate the erroneous worldview and life themes of chance, through evolution; fate, through “romantic” love; self-indulgence, through psychology; and “intellect” and “wisdom” through philosophy, research, and logic. In short, these wicked people propagate meaninglessness, hate, and other such sins and dangerous mindsets that the Bible warns us about.

       Remember that the diligent are the ones that rule! But the principle applies to the wicked men and women who diligently propagate the devil’s doctrines as well. We must stand against them and diligently do our duty to share the truth of God’s Word. Where are you men of Courage? Where are you men of Valor? Where are you men of Righteousness? Where are you men that Fear God? Stand! Stand up and fulfill your duty to share God’s Word in the public sector, the private sector, the corporations, the campuses, etc... GO!

    Stand strong and be diligent, dear Believers! Draw close to the Lord and let Him be your strength and shield against their bombardment of false teachings and ideologies! Speak out when God gives you a window, make the most of every opportunity with the outsiders of the Faith. Go to the Lord and have your fears and burdens lifted; however, as you leave His rejuvenating presence in the quiet of your morning devotions, prepare to pick up your cross and struggle forward amid blows, insults and hateful looks for the cause of Christ!

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.” 
 John 15:18-20 KJV

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Life founded on Lust vs A Life founded on Jesus

   A life founded on LUST is unstable; the foundation of your life will become a muddy mess with no guidelines or limits. But a life grounded on Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:10-15), that life will produce eternal treasures.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Addictions and How to Deal with Them

   Addictions are not just a result of chemical imbalance or physiological factors. Addictions are a choice and psychology is a pseudo-science that attempts to understand humanity apart from sin and the Word of God. Moderation in all things, as the Word teaches (Phil 4:5, 1 Cor 9:25, Prov 25:28), is the solution to addictions and a guard against developing them. Sin is sin, not a psychological problem. We all have a choice; we can cry out for help: either to God or an idol, but we all have made choices with our will whether or not to develop addictions.

Friday, February 20, 2015

If a man likes salty food, is he a salty guy?

If a man likes salty food, is he a salty guy?


     There are people that are “salty.” For example, a salty sailor is probably just a tough guy with bad language. But what is real saltiness? It is being the flavor of life, a carrier of the hope that lies with you—of the Grace, Mercy, Peace and Forgiveness of God? Are you a Light, are you a fresh breath of the Spirit in other’s lives or are you a salty sailor?

Hey, you might like salty food, but are you really a Spiritually salty person?

Thursday, February 19, 2015



      The Word of God, the Bible, is a necessary element of a Christian’s life. One must stay in the Word of God  to grow in the knowledge of God and to obtain the wisdom of God. O what agony our spirits will be in without the Word of God continually flowing in us! We must feed our spirits as much as possible, we must remain hungry for the Lord and He will fill us. Stay in the Word, for that is where power, nourishment and strength lie. I cannot fully describe the necessity of it, but you must live on the bread of the WORD, the bread of Christ—you cannot really live on natural bread once you have tasted the spiritual, the supernatural, the perfect Words of the Bread of the Bible.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Work your way into a Feeling

Work your way into a Feeling

       We like to feel good, empowered, confident, and successful, but how do we go about doing so? Is our “good” feelings grounded in Christ or in selfishness?

       We often work our way into feelings. For example, when we pursue the Lord and seek His presence, He may seem to hide His face for a while, but just as He did for David, He eventually pulls back the veil and allows us to feel the warmth of His love. But we do not often just have a “good” feeling “by chance.” The feelings which come at us without any effort usually are discouragement, doubt, fear, hate, pride, and the like (tools and attacks of the Enemy)—these feelings are the type that destroy us and keep us from doing anything if we embrace them; however, the Peace of God which comes through Jesus Christ is received as we seek the Lord Jesus. We should study the Lord’s Word and repeat His words of peace to ourselves until our work has become the feeling; and the sense or the perception of His peace surrounding us.

“Good” Feelings aren’t bad, but they are not the determiner of our success as a Christian.

     In times of persecution, we must work our way into feelings. After hard days at work and spiritual battle, we must set aside time for the Lord, time to simply tell Him about our frustrations, meditate on His Word, listen (to recorded or live) sermons, pray with a Christian brother, or just cry out in brokenness.

     I have found myself, more and more, over the last few years just letting out my problems to the Lord, pursuing Him when life gets tough—in short, casting all my cares upon Him. Now, I’m not perfect and often struggle for a while trying to brave things out in my own strength before I turn to Christ for my strength. But when I do turn to Him, when I simply pause and work on spending time with the Lord; peace, rest, and contentment eventually follow even if the situation has not become easier.

    Remember that you do work yourself into many feelings, and you can “work your way” into the presence of God to experience joy, peace, and contentment as you seek Him as David did. Study David’s Psalms today and notice how He pressed into the Presence of the Lord in the Hard times and often came out feeling completely different.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Walk Circumspectly and Redeem the Time because the Days are Evil

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16 KJV


      We must be careful how we live. If we live foolishly, spurning the laws of God, then we will reap destruction, hypocrisy, and eventually our own rejection of the Lord and our salvation as we walk away from the faith. The Christian has a hard life some would say, but it actually is a very good life. Though we are persecuted, we can have the peace of God and the Holy Spirit comforting us. Though a week was hard to get through, we can come into the Lord’s presence on the Sabbath and be encouraged by the brethren. We must live wisely, not in the wisdom of the world, but in the wisdom of God that we acquire by fearing the Lord.

      Make the most of your opportunities, nothing happens by chance. The temptations you have are tests to see how you are progressing in your faith and how Jesus is becoming more integrated into your life. The days that we live in are evil. Hollow and deceptive philosophies and the teachings of demons (1 Tim. 4) are being proclaimed from some pulpits, most public schools, and the mainstream media. Everywhere we look we see evil, but we must stand against it: we must stand for the Lord. Amidst the overwhelming flood of voices screaming that we are stupid, bias crazies, racist or even insane radicals we must stand. In all the hardships, we are to endure because of Christ who set us the example by enduring the Cross for us, for the sake of His Gospel and the Gracious Gift of Salvation.

Jesus had and intimate communion with God despite all the hard times He went through and He died on the Cross (enduring the severing of communion with God), an extremely hard thing to do because of His love for us.

     As you go through this week, this life, this chapter of your eternal walk with the Lord: seek the Lord, make the most of the opportunities that you have, and allow Him to radiate His truth from your being. And above all else, seek Christ, standing firm against your evil flesh, the demonic powers in high places and the domain of Satan, the world.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Remembrances of my Childhood

Remembrances of my Childhood
       As a child I played some of the things that I actually now do in “adult” life. I would pretend to lead armies, organize assaults against imaginary castles, fight evil creatures; and be the “Daniel Boone” of a group of frontiersmen or an Indian warring against the evil tribe(s). All of these play activities were preparation for my future leadership calling from the Lord. As a man, I would need the leadership skills I played about. And now, as a young man of seventeen, I am learning all the more how important leadership is in the things God has called me to do: I must discipline myself to follow Christ; I must make the choices to accomplish the goals that I have set and the Lord has called me to do; I must teach and disciple others, faithfully leading the best life example that I can.

        As a child, I enjoyed drawing a picture and now I do similar activities with my computer: graphic design, snipping pictures, and newsletter design. I enjoyed writing songs of praise to God; now I enjoy getting written material out to others which will help them to grow closer to the Lord. I started pretend companies and some small entrepreneurial endeavors back then, but now I am forming companies, as well as business ideas on a larger scale. I would sit and build with legos for hours on end, and in the process give names to many of them in addition to homes, families, careers, churches, pastors, and kings. I would form armies and experiment with different economic systems. By doing these things, I set the basis of my interest in basic economics and politics. As I refused to have heathen systems in my play cities (unless they were my idol-worshipping enemies), I learned how God’s Word really apply to life.

    I could say much more of my childhood and how I loved to read; battled with laziness and responsibility until something just clicked in my twelfth year; how I chased girls because of ungodly desire; how I did not have many video games, but played war, city, and economy building for hours on end; how I loved listening to my mother read me great books and how my imagination would soar as she did so; how I would spend much of my time running around the yard engaging in strenuous sword fights, archery attacks, Indian raids, and musket fights with my imaginary foes which would number in the hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions: yet my faithful band of a few thousand, or more often 10 to 400, would manage to kill them all and win the day; and how the Lord was important and murdering forbidden in those imaginary raids. . . .  I could farther talk about my experiences as a young man coming out of childhood and my new convictions and relationship with the Holy Spirit. I also remember the sins: how I lusted, addicted myself to video games and television, how I gossiped frequently and struggled in friendships, how I pursued young women and how God prevented my quest, how I yelled at my siblings, and how I struggled with changing into who God wanted me to be; but again, how faithful and loving God was. And how God gave me purpose when something just clicked inside of me one day as He spoke to my heart and instilled a motivation to accomplish something: a GMA; and then to write a book, and then . . . there is too much to say.

   My childhood was a time of fun and preparation as I look back. No, I’m not married or leading my own family at this time or engaging in political battles, but I believe that those are to come. The Biblical signs of the Last Days are evident and our modern world continues to require great changes in how things are done. Will the changes to come be Biblical? Will godly men change the course of the impending doom as God stirs up revival? Or will society yield to Satan’s destruction and collapse, hopeless and confused? I don’t know, but this I do: God prepares us when we least expect it. . . .maybe even in your childhood.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Cleansing of the Inner Depths of the Heart

“Blows that hurt cleanse away evil, as do stripes the inner depths of the heart.” ~ Proverbs 20:30 NKJV

      The blows and stripes referred to in this verse are accurate metaphors of the discipline that we must go through to be cleansed from strongholds and bad habits. In Christ Jesus we are forgiven from all sin, but we often have ungodly habits and strongholds of sin which must be beaten and wounded until they die.

      Our strongholds and bad habits are like cancers that tap into our soul’s “blood supply.” They drain the resources that are meant for our nourishment, peace, and joy. We can never break free from these strongholds without the Lord. Yes, we may break away from some bad habits, but we cannot eradicate the cancerous evil at its very root—only the strength of Christ can do that.

      Likewise as you pursue the wisdom of God, your natural, fleshly man must be beaten and wounded. Your natural inclinations of selfishness must be purged. The process will be painful for you are being separated from the aspects of your old nature which made up you. This process will span the entire length of your life: there will always be another stronghold or something to deal with while you are on this earth, BUT IN CHRIST YOU CAN CONQUER and OBTAIN THE PRIZE!

        As you walk through your life this week remember, dear friends in the Lord, that the blows and wounds—yea the purging of your soul—is necessary for your new life in Christ to continue to grow. Just as a plant must die some day; it will be replaced by another or perhaps many more plants; and the dead plant becomes fertilizer for the new plant. As you abide in Christ, the Lord must discipline you to make room for more of His Spirit and love: to plant new plants, new groves of vegetation that produce fruits of gentleness, love, joy, peace, kindness, self-control and more Christlike character traits where old ones of greed, hate, and condemnation once stood.

     Stand firm and embrace the Lord’s discipline (chastisement) for He is purging your inmost being!  Take Courage brothers and sisters, the Lord is your strength!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Wicked Covet but the Root of the Righteous Yields Fruit

“The wicked covet the catch of evil men, but the root of the righteous yields fruit.” ~ Proverbs 12:12 NKJV

          Wicked men will desire the wealth that others have and they are even willing to steal to get it. Their stealing may take the form of hidden fees, heavy taxation, class-discriminated taxation, murder, fraud, pick pocketing, lawsuits, and more because history has recorded that they do. Evil men have a record of ranting and raving for wealth inside of themselves—indeed it consumes many of them completely. Because the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Tim. 6:10), no wonder the thieves, the murders, and the false witnesses that are among us often started out greedy for plunder not to murder, steal or lie.

            On the other hand, there are the righteous. God keeps these people from having to beg by providing for them from His own immeasurable riches, but this is not so for the wicked. The righteous are righteous to their very roots (in Jesus Christ’s righteousness). The roots of their lives bring forth the fruit of their faithfulness over time: a loving, caring marriage; kindness and compassion for the poor and hurting; wisdom; purity; fruitfulness from the Lord; and a close, intimate relationship with the Lord. The righteous even affect others to their very roots! It is here, at the roots, that the righteous man plants his seed and fertilizes it by the divine grace contained in the spiritual gift(s) that have been given to him by the Holy Spirit, into the heart of another. The righteous man waters the roots of the lost whom he has sown in with the life-giving water of Jesus’ Spirit, the Holy Spirit. It is here that the righteous man rebukes, exhorts and teaches the wicked, he fertilizes the wicked root with transforming nutrients from God’s Word. And it is here that the righteous brings the Messiah, who indwelling him since the moment of salvation, and shines the SONLIGHT needed for the growth: the process of spiritual photosynthesis. It is here at the roots that the righteous’ overflows his own reservoirs of sap, the sap of the Holy Spirit that is in his veins; the water of the living Word of God; and the light which is the Son of God living in Him!

   And what to say of the Salt that he is to the wicked? Perhaps it will taste bitter to the wicked man at first, but with instruction and faithful administration it can become the flavoring of his life! That is, if the wicked will accept it.

   The righteous man stands firm when storms arise because of his deep roots, but the wicked topples over: plundering whatever he can from others and being destroyed, left hopeless and stranded in the process of trying to obtain his greed’s fulfillment.

 Remember Proverbs 12:12 and be righteous by abiding in the vine of Christ (Jn. 15:5)!

Read Psalm 1.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Machiavelli vs. God

   Machiavelli's principles to success are the exact opposite of God's:


Machiavelli—book: The Prince

How to gain power:

1.     Tell people what they want to hear

2.     Give only the reasons people want to hear

3.     Cut corners here and there

4.     Assume all have a vicious side & it will come out when they are given a chance
God--book: The Bible

he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

Matthew 23:11-12 (KJV)

Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

Ephesians 4:25 (KJV)


thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have

Deuteronomy 25:15 (KJV)


 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

John 13:34-35 (KJV)



Who's advice will stand? God's!

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

Isaiah 40:8 (KJV)



Thursday, February 12, 2015

Focusing on the Mark: Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is what it’s all about—knowing His Spirit and living for Him.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Focusing on the Mark: Remembrance


We need to remember. It is essential to living a Christian life. Now, Paul declares that he forgets what is behind and strains toward what is ahead. This teaches us not to let the past drag us down; however, remembering what the Lord has done is very important. It builds our trust and confidence in Him and His omnipotence. History is the study of remembering the past.



Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Focusing on the Mark: Waiting


Waiting—we must wait for many things. Scripture declares to ask, seek, and knock, and yet wait on the Lord.

As we wait Isaiah 40:31 (KJV) declares that we will be empowered, we will have our strength renewed.

As we live the Christian life, there are many times that we simply must wait. We must wait on the Lord’s direction for many things, such as,   a spouse, daily direction, and major decisions.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Focusing on the Mark: Focus


“Where your focus goes, the power flows.”—Vincent Newfield, a quote from his father


    Focus is very important. Matthew 6:33 declares that if we seek the Lord first, He will take care of the rest. We must focus on the Lord to continue to grow and mature.



Sunday, February 8, 2015

Focusing on the Mark: Grace


Grace is the empowering factor of Christianity. Because we can repent and be forgiven we can live a life thankful for the Lord’s grace. In fact, it is His grace which offers us forgiveness. However, we must be careful not to take the Lord’s grace in vain by irreverently abusing the Lord’s grace as a “go-ahead-and-sin-card” instead of a gift of forgiveness.



Saturday, February 7, 2015

Focusing on the Mark Ministries: Discipleship


The Lord did not tell us to go get everyone saved, but to disciple the nations (Matt. 28:18-20). We believe that it is commanded for us to disciple and not merely get people saved and abandon them. Therefore, we place great importance upon mentorship, teaching, and Scriptural study.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Focusing on the Mark's Core Values: Foundation



We all must have a foundation on which our life is built. It must be on the Rock—Jesus Christ. On this foundation, we cannot be destroyed. It is of upmost importance that the Body of Christ is truly founded on this because everything our lives are built with will be tested with fire. 1 Cor. 3:10-15



Thursday, February 5, 2015

The “MEDIA”! Good or BAD?

The “MEDIA”! Good or BAD?

    The people of the world want truth delivered to them through the “media” that they watch, listen to, and read. This can be majorly grouped as GOOD or BAD. Indeed, the “media”, in many cases, has used fear tactics to control people and cause them to live in constant alertness. Indeed, the “media” has strayed from its original purpose which consisted of presenting the “news” on a truthful and Christian manner.

   The positives of the “media” include the following: important “news” can be made known to the vast majority of people and can influence the world’s opinion rather easily if one does not filter what he sees, hears, and reads.

    However, a few negative attributes have been ascribed to the “media” in the last century or so. Not to group all the “media” in the same ship, but many “reporters” use fear tactics such as “exaggeration of the truth” and “double-sided speech” (lying) to scare their realm of influence in too believing their opinion rather than the truth which they choose not to search out. Many a person has become a brainwashed creature that blindly follows the monstrous leader of the common “media.” The “media” is appalling by the type of fear and control that it possesses and instills in its listeners, readers, and viewers.

   People can retaliate against the affects the “media” have on them. One can pray that God heals the brainwashed and deceived areas of our mind that the “media” has instilled in us. Another way is to replace some if the time that one spends on the “media” and replacing it with Bible reading and prayer. Also pray that God will change the hearts of the “media” drones and broadcasters. Surely God can intervene for His people, if it is His will, and cause the truth to be known.

  In conclusion, the “media,” for the most part, has fallen from its original purpose and we must combat it for it is mostly corrupt and BAD. Make the truth known to those you converse with and most importantly spread Christ. Since He is the TRUTH He should be the focus of Christian “media” workers. Therefore if the people of God ban together and spread the Gospel we are doing the best that we can to change the “media” by planting God.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Root of the Righteous Yields Fruit

“The wicked covet the catch of evil men, but the root of the righteous yields fruit.”
~ Proverbs 12:12 NKJV

          Wicked men will desire the wealth that others have and they are even willing to steal to get it. Their stealing may take the form of hidden fees, heavy taxation, class-discriminated taxation, murder, fraud, pick pocketing, lawsuits, and more because history has recorded that they do. Evil men have a record of ranting and raving for wealth inside of themselves—indeed it consumes many of them completely. Because the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Tim. 6:10), no wonder the thieves, the murders, and the false witnesses that are among us often started out greedy for plunder not to murder, steal or lie.

            On the other hand, there are the righteous. God keeps these people from having to beg by providing for them from His own immeasurable riches, but this is not so for the wicked. The righteous are righteous to their very roots (in Jesus Christ’s righteousness). The roots of their lives bring forth the fruit of their faithfulness over time: a loving, caring marriage; kindness and compassion for the poor and hurting; wisdom; purity; fruitfulness from the Lord; and a close, intimate relationship with the Lord. The righteous even affect others to their very roots! It is here, at the roots, that the righteous man plants his seed and fertilizes it by the divine grace contained in the spiritual gift(s) that have been given to him by the Holy Spirit, into the heart of another. The righteous man waters the roots of the lost whom he has sown in with the life-giving water of Jesus’ Spirit, the Holy Spirit. It is here that the righteous man rebukes, exhorts and teaches the wicked, he fertilizes the wicked root with transforming nutrients from God’s Word. And it is here that the righteous brings the Messiah, who is contained in himself, and shines the SONLIGHT needed for the growth: the process of spiritual photosynthesis. It is here at the roots that the righteous’ overflows his own reservoirs of sap, the sap of the Holy Spirit that is in his veins; the water of the living Word of God; and the light which is the Son of God living in Him!

    And what to say of the Salt that he is to the wicked? Perhaps it will taste bitter to the wicked man at first, but with instruction and faithful administration it can become the flavoring of his life! That is, if the wicked will accept it.

    The righteous man stands firm when storms arise because of his deep roots, but the wicked topples over: plundering whatever he can from others and being destroyed, left hopeless and stranded in the process of trying to obtain his greed’s fulfillment.

     Remember Proverbs 12:12 and be righteous by abiding in the vine of Christ (Jn. 15:5)!

Read Psalm 1.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Thought of Foolishness


The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.

Proverbs 24:9 (KJV)

Monday, February 2, 2015

Punch First Talk Later

Punch First Talk Later

(Works for defense of women and in battle against the devil)

{A Contemplative Poem}


When I battle against my enemies—

This World, My Flesh (PRIDE), and The Devil—

I must not cower, but fight with the strength my God supplies.

For my strength is small, but Christ’s is very great!


Step up O boy!

Become a man!!

You strength is not within, but in



Take a stand!

Punch that old snake first and talk later!

Punch your old flesh first and talk later!

Punch this sinning world first and talk later!


The peace must be maintained, it is not sporadically gained.

So which side will you be on?


The victorious side that is punching, wrestling, sparing, and winning the ultimate battle or

 The unrighteous ranks that stand for everything evil.

There is nothing great or good about evil!

Only God is good and great!

Therefore align thy banners with Him.


Well, when all is said and done in the spiritual, the physical must be

Fixed upon and the actions necessary applied.


When a woman, young or old, girl or grandmother;

When Eve’s mysterious race are harmed by fellow or by country

Who will stand?

 . . . .


You, man of God are to stand!!

Who will give their lives for the protection of others?

Not a woman, not that tis not right in God’s sight

For a woman is not to defend in the place of a man.


You! You, young man, are the one to die for the enslaved! To fight for the oppressed!


The only question is will you do it?

And will you follow HIS leading?

You are created to be a leader; every man is to some degree.

Some rule a city others a country, but all rule their homes in either justice, righteousness and peace or in slander, malice, hate, and pride.


Choose young man . . . . . You must! . . . .


The Podcast

The Podcast
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