Thought 68
21 Days of Remembrance:
Remember Why the WORLD Labels the BIBLE as Hate Literature
Do you know why the WORLD labels the BIBLE as “hate literature”? The Bible defines sin as absolutely wrong, right? And obedience to God and His Word is defined as absolutely right, right? OK. We have just established that there is absolute wrong; and absolute right. In essence, we have just established the foundations of the law! And if there was no law, then there would be no right or wrong actions, thoughts, or desires: everything would be relevant to circumstances and our personal understanding. And guess what the world looks like in many of its laws and the political systems? That’s right, a mess of relativity! In truth, we Christians stand in opposition to the world’s sin because we accept the “laws” of God as fact and reject lying and homosexuality and all other sin because God says that sin is wrong. The world hates us for this reason: that we stand for the Word of God, for Truth. However, if we do not stand for the Word, the world will probably become our friend, and thus we will forfeit our relationship with God and become His enemy (James 4:4). In short, beware: compromise is dangerous.
We have made ourselves enemies of the WORLD, because the WORLD hates to be told that its “doctrine” is wrong.
Why Stand Up for Scripture?
If we love God, we will obey Him and if we obey Him our spirit will be open to the Holy Spirit’s conviction. In short, we accept the things that God accepts, and the things that hinder our relationship with Him and that He absolutely despises we count as rubbish and we labor to throw out of our lives. One aspect of obedience to God is not compromising; and instead, holding to His revealed truth. This revealed truth is contained in Scripture and is illuminated (revealed or a revelation) by the Holy Spirit. . . . But if we will not stand for Scripture’s authority and power, then we throw out the Bible as God’s revealed truth and we live in disobedience (sin): we aren’t connected to Christ!
Yes, there are things that we may not understand with our own mortal minds and reasoning that are in the Bible. Nevertheless, clear commands like DO NOT STEAL should be obeyed even if we don’t understand them completely. This is how we prove our belief in what we do not see: by obeying even though we do not understand why yet. And if you truly obey Christ, then you will stand for God’s truth in front of unbelievers when the Holy Spirit directs you to.
Personal Challenge
Will you label the Bible as “hate literature”? What if the government or world declares it so? Will you stand for what is right and hold to the Truth of the Word? I don’t know about you, but I choose to follow God. The tests God gives us are so that we can see our progress in following Him. Those tests are choices. Choose! Avoiding a decision for the Lord will cut you off from the Lord, but by accepting it, you can press forward with perseverance. The race is not over, we still have many tasks to accomplish for our Savior, so be encouraged to stand for what’s right!