"Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord." Psalms 25:7 NIV1984
Please pray!
The situation of our nation, America, is grave. Our sins are mounted right up there with Sodom and Gommorah. Readers, I call out to you to pray. Please fast. Please ask the Lord to not remember our nations sins and our rebellious ways, ask Him to remember our nation according to His love. Pray for an outpouring of His mercy and that many may come to Him in a great revival.
We must humble ourselves and pray and seek the Lord's face, or our nation won't last (2 Chronicles 7:14), but we have His promise right here in the Word that if we do, He will heal our land. Halleluajah and Amen!
Please start off by spending some time contemplatively reading all of Psalm 25 and Ephesians 6:10-20 (please pray for me and all in spiritual leadership as Paul requests in verses 19 and 20).Please pray!