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The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Monday, October 8, 2012

Thought 191: Forgiving & for giving from Ryan's devotional book Thoughts

Thought 191

 Forgiving & for giving

  Do you truly forgive and forget like Christ does? I struggle at times with forgiving, but it is the right thing to do. The only thing I know that works each time you repeatedly pray it is, “God I know that I need to forgive this person, please help me to forgive, I want to want to forgive ________,” and then continue to pray for blessings on their life that you would want like a closer relationship with the Lord, a joyful marriage, wisdom in finances, anything! You cannot pray blessings on someone and stay mad at them for long.

For giving is to give to people, ministries, or a cause. I would caution any Christian that is giving to a charity that is not Christian own or run. The Church is supposed to take care of widows and orphans, but today many secular groups are also doing this because we have not been faithful. Should we support the world or should we support the ones that God gave that responsibility to?

We’ve looked at two different meanings of the forgiving—one is forgiveness and the other is for giving—which impacted you the most and why? Is the Holy Spirit tugging on your heart about anything in regards to what you’ve read?

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