Ministry School takeaway for this month
This comes from p. 250 of Intro to Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible from Global University. This quote is about how Paul counters false teachings in his Letters.
"In response to their questions, Paul often restates one of their slogans and then explains why the teaching is not balanced, using a yes/but literary pattern. It is as if he is saying, ', there is a bit of truth in what you say, but you cannot take it to that extreme.'
'Everything is permissible for me' [their slogan] 'but not everything is beneficial' [Paul's correction] (1 Corinthians 6:12; 6:13; 10:23). Certainly, Paul would not have taught such an extreme. Even in the immediate context, he strongly refutes the teaching of the slogan. It appears that one group in the Corinthian church exploited their spiritual freedom to such a point that they allowed for sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:13-17) and eating meat that had been offered to idols (Corinthians 10:23-33).