Vincent M. Newfield
Life seems to be so busy. There are so
many things to do and not enough time to do them. Most of us are moving at
breakneck speed Monday through Friday—juggling our job, relationships, bill
paying, housekeeping, grocery shopping, car maintenance and everything else. In
the midst of this vortex of activity, it seems we can’t get THE WORD in
In other words, it’s hard for us to find
time to feed our spirits the life-changing truth of Scripture. In an effort to
combat this widespread dilemma, here are some proven practices that may be just
what you need to get THE WORD in edgewise.
Your Car into a University on Wheels. For many of us, our commute to and
from work each day takes up a large chunk of time. We can catch up on the news,
listen to some tunes or take advantage of the time by feeding our spirits. One
Bible “food group” we can choose from is the Scripture on CD. This is an
excellent way to saturate our soul and renew our mind with truth. Another
option is to listen to audio teaching from an anointed Bible teacher, such as
Joyce Meyer, John Bevere, Chuck Swindoll, or Charles Stanley. It is estimated
that listening to a recording five times enables us to retain up to 80 percent
of what has been said. Imagine the difference this could make in your life.
Word is…Supernatural in origin… Eternal in duration… Inexpressible in valor…
Infinite in scope… Regenerative in power… In fallible in authority… Universal
in application… Inspired in totality.
Read it through; write it down pray it in; work it out; pass it on. The Word of
God changes a man until he becomes an Epistle of God.” –Smith Wigglesworth
Mine, Please.” Another wonderful way to get the Word
in is by carrying a small, pocket-size Bible that fits either in your purse or
your pocket. You can get just a New Testament or the entire Bible for about $10
to $20. This is a tremendous investment that will allow you to make the most of
every moment you have. How many times do we find ourselves having to sit and
wait five, ten or fifteen miniutes with nothing to do? I’m not saying we have
to have our nose in the Bible every free moment of the day, but having a
pocket-size Bible gives us another option to get THE WORD in. It also prepares
us for opportunities to share our faith when God opens the door.
Notebook, Will Travel. You could also carry a small notebook or a “sticky”
notepad with you wherever you go—especially at church during your time of
study. We need to write down the verses that come alive and stand out to us. If
you’re at church, in your car or in conversation with a friend and you hear a
scripture that hits you right between the eyes, write it down. If you can’t
write down the whole verse, write down the “address”—the book, chapter and
verse where it’s found. Later on, write the entire scripture down in a notebook
or type it out on the computer so that you can meditate on and memorize it. I
suggest developing a notebook or binder (or data base you can print out) that
has your “power passages” written out and grouped by topic. This can be a
tremendous resource for you and others in time of need.
It a “Family Affair.” Want some cool ways to hide the Word in your kids’
hearts? There are numerous DVDs and CDs for children that take God’s Word and put
it into song. Kids latcho n to catchy tunes and before you know it, they are
singing the Scripture. Another fun way to learn the Word is to write out a
scripture on a dry erase board and prop it up in full view during dinner time.
Let each child take a turn reading it out loud (even little ones who can’t read
yet can learn the scripture by repeating it sentence by sentence). Don’t rush
through. Spend a week or two on the same verse, erasing words along the way.
You’ll be amazed at what you all remember!
the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest
two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It
exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. –Hebrews 4:12 NLT
Creative! There are so many different ways to get the Word into our hearts.
These are just a few examples. God is the Great Creator, and His creative
nature lives in YOU! Take time to ask Him how these or other ideas will help
you get THE WORD in your spirit. You will be glad you did!
On a regular basis, what is the best
time and place for you to connect with God in fellowship?
What specific ways help you get God’s
Word deep within your heart, making it a permanent of you?
Has your time with God become dry and
boring? If so, pray and ask God to show you why and what you can do to see it
Vincent M. Newfield is a skilled writer, author and
second-generation minister. The selection that has been featured today is from
his book Real
Life Answers.
He is also is the owner of Newfields
Creative Services which offers
- Proofreading
- Manuscript Review
- Writing Workshops for aspiring authors
- Christian Living
- Personal Growth
- Health and Nutrition
- Autobiographies
- Biblical Studies