Lesson 5, Back to work: Leadership
Male Authority, General Role Gen. 1-3
is a lot to learn in Genesis chapters 1-3: everything is created, the first man
gets the job to name all the animals—that is a big job!—God creates a helper
for the man: Eve, the very first “girl.” A short while after that, the FALL of
mankind takes place; then death is introduced into our world and the entire
geography of the earth changes because of one piece of fruit. “Little” wrong choices have big consequences.
Curses are placed on the man, woman, and serpent, aside from the ground. During
the penalty of curses (Gen. 3:14-24), the man is given the responsibility of
toilsome work to provide for himself, his wife; and later, his children. However,
please remember that work was not the curse placed on man. Rather the curse was
that work would now be difficult. There is DEFINITLY
a lot to learn from the first three chapters of Genesis.
Your notes on the subject