Command of the Song of Solomon
Dear reader, the Song of Solomon says
several times “. . . Do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases (Song of
Solomon 8:4 NKJV).” What does this “arousing” or “awakening” of love mean?
Let’s start by looking at the definition of arouse.
Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language defines arouse
To excite into action, that which is at rest ; to stir, or put in motion
or exertion, that which is languid ; as, to arouse
one from sleep ; to arouse dormant
is often associated with feelings or physical actions, like a kiss or sex in
our 21st century culture, but God’s WORD describes LOVE as something
else. Read first Corinthians 13.
First Corinthians 13 describes love as
patient and kind. In light of these two attributes, do you really love someone?
Or are you just lusting after them? Lust is wanting and love is waiting.
Let’s be wise, there is no need to “…stir up nor awaken love until
it pleases (Song of Solomon 8:4 NKJV).” Those unmarried, let’s wait
until God directs us to arouse/awaken “romantic love” in marriage. We will experience
God’s blessing on a relationship only when we are obedient, but how can we
expect to have God’s blessings without obeying His rules on real love? LET’S
WAIT. Adults, what experiences do you have of arousing/awakening “romantic
love” before God gave the ok? Your experience is what the younger generation
desperately needs to hear! Please share it; because we need to know the pain
that comes with ignoring God’s righteous way. Let’s return to the Scriptures,
stop lusting and start truly loving.
Personal Question:
V Are you
“arousing” the physical side of a relationship that is supposed to come only in
marriage in any way?