Christ the Messiah—God Still has a
T he days were bleak
and hopeless. People didn’t know where to turn for hope and salvation. Then
Jesus came.
In the midst of life’s most trying
circumstances we don’t have to cower down, but can turn to our hope—the
Messiah. As we enter this Christmas season let’s remember that the Lord sent
Jesus to be the Messiah, the Savior, the King of this world. In the midst of
one of the darkest moments of Israel’s history, the Lord sent a ray of hope;
but it took thirty years before that hope was launched into ministry (and that
only lasted for some extraordinary three and a half years).
We are in a similar situation. The economy
and country seem bleak and hopeless, yet God is offering a ray of hope: He
still has a plan. Though times may get tougher, God will take care of His
own (Matt. 6:33).
Dark times seem to be upon on us, but
technology and the times have opened up mission fields that never existed
before. We have the capability to make a big impact if it is the Lord’s will.
For this upcoming year get some goals together as you seek the Holy Spirit—
your Counselor and Guide—asking Him to reveal what He wants you to do this
year, what He has called and anointed you to do. When He responds, trust Him
and let peace be the umpire.