“And say to
Archippus, Take heed to the ministry
which thou
hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.”
Colossians 4:17
attention to the ministry you have received in the Lord….this verse is a
challenge. Are you paying attention to the ministry that God has given you, the
gift(s) that you have been entrusted with? If you are not, you cannot
accomplish your ministry or your calling.
This issue has come up many times in my own life in the area of writing.
You see, God has called me to minister, specifically through writing and
speaking, but I have a tendency to neglect writing and editing for ministry. I
easily get distracted with my life: with responsibilities and weekly demands
that I don’t pay attention to what God wants me to do. All of us can relate to
this because we all have areas in which we know that we are to do something,
yet we don’t. Maybe the Holy Spirit has been dealing with you to talk to a
certain person, but you keep avoiding it or maybe it’s something like my
writing—something that you have to discipline yourself to do on a regular
basis, but just haven’t gotten around to it.
I know one thing and that is that I don’t want to keep living a life of
discouragement and defeat. I don’t want to keep on neglecting what God has
entrusted to me. Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord, forgive me today
for not paying attention to the ministry that You have give to me. Help me to
pay attention to it. God, I don’t like displeasing You and putting off what You
have called me to do, I admit that I am the one that has done wrong and sinned
by disobeying Your call through delayed obedience. Please forgive me and help
me to walk forward in a new light, to be transformed and not go back to this pit
of sin where condemnation festers and discouragement rages. Thank You for
forgiving me and for sending Your Son, Jesus, to die for me so that I can live
life to the full in You. In Jesus name, amen.