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The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Making Decisions

Today I want to share a few thoughts on Time Management and planning that I picked up from my call with my College/Life coach this Monday.

 To help set goals—(big or small)
1.       List out 30-40+ big picture goals you want to complete in your life

2.       Select the top 10 you feel most strongly called to

3.       Write out how these will help fulfill your life calling (this helps focus your vision)

4.       Decide 3-9 “steps” that you can take this week. Set those as goals. Even if you don’t accomplish them all, you can take steps toward the big picture.

5.       For goals that have a lot of components (like building a website or starting a company) consider making a “one sheet” that lists out every activity that needs to be done in order to accomplish the goal and simply work your way down the list check marking stuff off.

     What I have found is that without some goals and plans in place, life is #1 pretty confusing and directionless and #2 you can be thrown of course very easily by having an overwhelming amount of decisions to make quickly. I have seen #2 most evident recently. Getting very exhausted mentally, emotionally and even physically because I have had to wrestle with so many decisions. However, having some plans in place (that can be adjusted by the Lord and are held with an open hand) give a lens through which to view the present. A lot my recent decisions have been largely related to what is Biblical Right and how do I respond as the Bible says. Referring to notes and lists from what I learned in the past as I studied the Word of God and recalling principles helps me to “clear away the fog” and proceed with what I know is Biblical. This doesn’t mean that I am absolutely certain of God’s will, but if I make decisions faithful to what I know His Word teaches, and humble in heart to be directed differently if I am in error by the Spirit of truth, then it takes a lot of the anxiety of making decisions away. Instead there is peace and confidence that, “Wait, God’s Word says this, period. Move on to something else.”

      As my coach told me this week, we are only capable of making so many decisions every day, so if we are making too many we are drained. Goals and plans that we work on free us up from making “new” decisions and give us a new energy for the day.

       Daniel settled a decision in his heart ahead of time and look what happened.

But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

Dan 1:8 (KJV)

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