The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Friday, June 13, 2014

“And the two shall become one FLESH….”

“And the two shall become one FLESH….”

      God moves on to tell us in the first few chapters of Genesis that the reason for a guy and gal have to leave their Mom and Dad is marriage (Genesis 2:24). They leave so that they can become one flesh; and the two becoming one flesh is much deeper than the physical closeness of sex that some interpret it to mean. Instead, it is a spiritual bond, one where two individuals become one that is personified in two bodies. This one fact explains why divorce and losing a spouse is so devastating—they lost a part of themselves, not just a person they knew.   . . . what God has joined, let no man separate.

      When two people (a man and a woman and only a man and a woman) become one flesh, something happens to the one that has now been formed. Men become husbands, fathers, and providers. While women transition into wives, mothers, helpmeets, and nurturers. Today, contemplate why God created the two to become one and how their new oneness is more balanced than their individuality.

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