The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Are you a Living Sub-stone?

What mean these stones?
Josh 4:21 (KJV)
Ye also as lively stones
1 Peter 2:5 (KJV)

   There should be something so remarkable, so peculiar about the live and conversation of a Christian that men should be compelled to ask, “What does this mean?” . . . . Is there anything in your character, words, and habits of life so different from the world around you that men are involuntarily compelled to ask themselves or others, “What does this mean?” Not that there is to be a forced singularity, a peculiarity for the sake of being peculiar; that were merely to copy the pharisaism of ancient days. . . . Oh, that we might realize that this is the purpose for which God sends us into the world, as He sent His only begotten Son!—S.A. Blackwood

The Podcast

The Podcast
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