The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Tuesday, January 24, 2012


By Ryan Marks
(Appearing in Devo Blast vol. 2, issue 2)
    Distractions. We all have been distracted at one time or another. Spiritually, distractions will eventually starve you. You see, Satan’s mission is to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY. One of the ways that he goes about doing this is by offering us a distraction and once we take a bite, he goes for another, then another until we are so distracted that with his “goodies” that we don’t stay seated to be feed the milk of the Word, meat of the Word, or the Bread (Jesus) of the Word.
      Without these vital forms of spiritual sustenance entering your spirit you will starve. No wonder we feel cut off from God, confused, directionless, meaningless and hopeless when we have been distracted for a while by the Devil’s treats.  ….let’s pray:
  Dear Lord, forgive us for giving the Enemy a foothold by being distracted. Lord, give me the strength not to go down that path again—I know it isn’t the path You want for me. Holy Spirit, help me to stir up the fire of my relationship with You and to move forward despite the spiritual weakening I have experienced. Thank You for Your forgiveness Lord, Amen.

Great resource if your struggling with distractions: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

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The Podcast
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