Courage Men
A song by Ryan Marks
Take Courage, Men. God is real, God is true and Jesus truly loves you. Take a stand and be a man. Trust in Him & stand true.
For those who stand till the end will be saved. Broad is the path and wide is the gate that leads to destruction and narrow the path and gate that leads to life. Few find that way to life. . . .
Hard is the fight and strong and numerous are our enemies, but the weapons of our warfare are Divine—strong enough to demolish strongholds and stand against every demonic power. So stand as a warrior. Take Courage, men. Take courage, men. Take courage, men.
He is the Lord, He is our strength, and in Him we must remain; for we cannot survive cut off from that vine.
We will fight in JESUS Name! Shout HALLELUJAH! & let the joy of the Lord be your strength! Let a passion and a zeal for God and a love for all drive you on! Be relentless, be uncompromising—take your stand! Stir up the gift, don’t let it go dormant; don’t lose your saltiness! Instead march forward fighting with prayer and taking a STAND. Rightly divide the Word of Truth—know your weapons well. Pray & be humble, repent for yourself, for the Church, and for your nation; love like God and take your stand!
You cannot be passive, lazy or passé—now is the time to stand up and remain! Our churches our filled with false teachers, denominations, and false doctrines of men. Somewhere there are those who say what your itching ears want to hear, but they are liars, not rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Listen to this truth: stand! God will make you mighty; the Holy Spirit your guide. Just ask Him to teach your hands to make war & watch Jesus shine! Our Lord is astounding, faithful & true. He loves extravagantly and judges Justly to. One day we will stand before Him and be judged by all our words and deeds and our eternal residence will be judged by the presence or absence of Jesus blood; but hear this, O Church, & see: the Church is being judged now, our testing first will be. If it is hard for a righteous man to be saved, how much worse the judgment of the wicked! We have God’s grace: all we deserve is death; yet He offers us life. Take courage, men. Take courage, men. Take courage, men. Don’t take His grace in vain. Amen! Stand and do. Don’t love the world or you’ll be an enemy of God. Stand till the end, so that He can say well done good and faithful servant.
You are a Son
By Ryan Marks
You are a son or daughter: you are a child of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
By this you will know that you love Me—if you keep My commands and peace will be the assurance of your salvation. So examine yourselves to see where you stand with God; don’t be fooled by men. Examine yourself and see if you are in the faith & truly believe. If you are and do, you are a child of the King! Take courage that He is with you. Rejoice that you share in His sufferings! Live for Him, and not for men. Stand true, remain; love & fear the King.
Let the peace of God guard your hearts and be an umpire. Lay your burdens down and take upon you the yoke of Jesus, for it is easy & His burden is light. He will fill you up with His light. Just remain in Him and in His arms and you’ll be brighter, child, yes; you’ll shine!
You are a city on a Hill & the Lord is your strength—stand with your brothers, reflecting His light. Stand up amidst the fight. God is called & will give you the strength to stand—so run to Him for you are a son or a daughter.