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The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Friday, December 7, 2012

Thought 251: Pride from Ryan's devotional book series Thoughts

Thought 251


  Porn, selfishness, gluttony, moral infidelity, etc…are all tied to pride directly. All sin is tied in some way shape or form to pride. In the very beginning of the Bible, we find Eve partaking of the fruit because she desired to be like God and have more “wisdom.” Satan tempted Eve with the same lie he believed!—that he could be superior to God: that he could be more knowledgeable, wise, or powerful than God. Rebellion is linked to the prideful heart as is every sin. The prideful thoughts of the heart work their way out in a man’s actions and words and earn him the accurate labels of liar, adulterer, murderer, slanderer, fornicator, etc…

If you seem to be constantly battling pride. First, confess your fault to God and perhaps a spiritual friend (it is not required to confess your sin to a friend, but it greatly increases the coming of victory over it [James 5:16]). Second, purpose to remain faithful despite the temptation. Third, memorize Scripture related your specific temptation and quote it when temptation comes. Jesus used this method to send o’ll Satan packing his bags. Fourth, be alert and keep your guard up for fresh or renewed attacks of the battle and repeat the previous steps as needed. Finally, remember to listen for the Holy Spirit to share your victories humbly when appropriate for godly testimony to fellow Christians and unbelievers.

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