The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Boldness with Humility

Boldness with Humility

       When you are humble you can still be bold. In Scripture, Moses is declared the most humble man (Numbers 12:3). Take a moment and think about what you know of Moses; then try to grasp what true humility is. By looking at how he (Moses) progressed in boldness we learn a valuable key to humility: Moses grew bolder because his relationship with God grew deeper. His humility was always rooted and fed by his God. Do you remember our first lesson, Our Foundation? Moses’ foundation in Jehovah was the key for his humility and it can be for us as well.

       Likewise, what was Jesus like, was He humble? Yes, he was. But we again see that he was bold in many instances. Jesus refused to conform to the world and did what was right because God said it was right. Jesus did what God told Him to do without compromising. When you are truly humble, God’s opinion and standards will be the only thing that you base your actions, responses, and life on.

Humbleness is not cowardice, rather boldness committed to the most loving Father ever – God.

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