Suggested Lifetime Vision for Ministers
1. Know The Lord more intimately and develop a deep understanding of His Word.
2. Maintain the relationship with and cherish my wife: washing her in the Word and sharing everything with her as my closest confidant and friend; growing as one with The Lord, not separate as individuals.
3. Train up my children to fear The Lord, serve Him and others, and to stand for Truth.
4. Mentor a generation of young men and work to see women mentored by women.
5. Exhort the Church to remain Biblical in nature, voice, and operation.
6. Write, preach, speak out, and labor to see everlasting rewards: sinners come to Christ; strong Christian discipleship, worldview, and grounding of every area of life in the Word.
7. Destroy bad books, movies, files, objects, etc... and keep them out of my home, living space, person, computer, household, etc...
8. Pass my possessions on the my Children and young men whom I have mentored--heavily pray and adjust the will (document) according to the Lord's will.
9. To The Lord be the Glory and the Power and the Praise forever, amen!