The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Personal Bible study

Personal Bible study.

   Throughout the years I have tried various Bible reading plans: reading the Bible through in 3 months (15 chapters a day), reading the Bible through in 4 months (10-11 chapters a day), reading a proverb a day, reading a Proverb and 3 to 5 Psalms per day....all the plans were helpful for a season, but the two that I found most helpful were #1 reading a Proverb a day: I started doing this when I was 12 and have found it to be the most helpful thing I ever did spiritually. Since I was seeking wisdom daily, the Lord helped me avoid some of the foolish pursuits of "youthfulness" and identify some hollow and deceptive philosophies. #2 is simply picking a book of the Bible and reading through it at your own pace; placing processing the material and listening to the Lord over progress over a few days.

    I know Bible reading is something that a lot of guys struggle with. What is your reading plan? Are you trying to just get in a reading goal everyday, or are you really learning something on most days? I encourage you to take a few moments today to contemplate your personal Bible Reading plan and adjust it as the Holy Spirit directs you to a plan which will help you hear His voice in your heart over cramming a lot of verses in your mind.

May you be Faithful Men!

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