Not given to wine,
This does not mean
that the Pastor never takes a drink of wine, but that he is not addicted to it
or controlled by it.
no striker,
He does not
quickly lash out in temper by physically fighting others.
not greedy of filthy lucre;
He is
not greedy for money. Especially for ill-gotten, questionable monies—such as
money coming from supporting abortion, tobacco, etc….that destroy’s others’
lives though profitable.
but patient, not a brawler, not
Instead of the three negative character qualities above, the Pastor is patient.
Not one to be incited easily to fighting (though fighting is sometimes
necessary) and not greedy (covetous, lusting) for material possessions or
keeping up with the Joneses.
4 One that ruleth well his own
house, having his children in subjection with all gravity
He leads
and manages his household well. His children are parented and submissive. They
are respectful. This is a quality that seems to be largely overlooked today. A
pastor, must meet the Biblical qualifications. While no man is perfect, there
are men out there who meet these qualifications.
1 Tim 3:3-4 (KJV)