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The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

1 Timothy 4:1-2

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith,

     We see a great departure of those who have grown up in the church and claim Faith in Christ departing not only from local congregations, but from sound doctrines.

 giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

       There are people who may be in “a church” but are not following the Word, they are following Satan and his minions that “come as an angel of light.” This is seen through “small” compromises at first like the social gospel and watering down of Scriptural truth. But it can progress much, much farther—even to the point where “churches” select homosexual pastors and approve of sensual activity in the congregation.

 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

       These who have departed from the Faith, may not have departed from our churches. We do not need to be fearful, but we do need to be alert, sober, and discerning. Those who have given heed to theses seducing spirits and even doctrines (teachings) of demons speak lies hypocritically. Many times they claim equality for all and tolerance while they viscously attack groups that they hate. In addition, their consciences become seared with a hot iron—they have hard hearts, have pushed away the Spirit of God who came many times pleading with them to come to Jesus (the Way, the Truth, and the Life). Take heed, if Paul, Jesus, and Peter dealt with those who had departed from the Faith and become false teachers and false prophets, what exemption will you have? Draw close to the Lord, focus on Him and remain humble.

 1 Tim 4:1-2 (KJV)

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