The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Why Do Young Men “chase” Young Women?

Why Do Young Men “chase” Young Women?

One word L-U-S-T!

      Sadly, many times young men chase young women with lustful intentions. Some run after the ladies to obtain a meaning in their life (to fill a void for companionship or to satisfy a false understanding of love) or to have “fun” (they use the woman for a while, while she is fun—just like a video game, an object—but when interest is lost and the thrilling hype is no longer there, they “trade” her for someone else that catches their eye).

      O Christians, have young men made a fatal mistake in how they ‘go after’ a young woman? Have they ever read Proverbs? Do they not know of anything that will last them through life?

     Sadly, many young men know only worthless things: thrill, pleasure, laziness, and distraction. I have committed all four of these worthless acts—and pursued them! in my youth—but I have learned that they are hollow and deceptive, they are lies of Satan. I used to use video games as a drug. When I was tired, discouraged, depressed, or confused, I would just turn on a video game and tune it all out. Just letting a distraction free up my mind. O the folly! I should have been turning to the Lord on my knees in fervant prayer, rather than such a worldly solution! I pursued the way I felt (pleasure), I was slothful, and I fed on the lustful thrill of chasing young women for my own selfish pleasure—I didn’t really care about them or about a marriage created by God. But I found a real relationship with the Lord and the Holy Spirit became my teacher! Then, I was led by the Word and convictions. My Faith has become my life instead of an accessory to my life.

      May we all recognize the follies of sin and it’s many rooted lusts and turn our hearts to the Lord!

Read Matthew 6.

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