The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Monday, June 9, 2014

Will You Put Your Trust in God 1st or Others 1st?

Will You Put Your Trust in God 1st or Others 1st?


    I see a big question vying for supremacy in the hearts and lives of churches, families and individuals today in America. It’s a question that may be a bit confusing at first glance—Will you put your trust in God 1st or others 1st? Jesus taught us the golden rule which is to love others as we love ourselves, but today so many churches and individuals are putting others and their needs first instead of second. Let me explain. Jesus said that there are two commands that all the Law and the Prophets hand on: #1 Love God 1st with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and #2 Love others as yourself.


    Today, the focus of so many is how to reach, reach, reach more people. It is about getting a higher number of people involved in an effort to serve them inside programs and systems. Those who do this are bending over backwards, working themselves ragged, and rarely take any time to slow down and rest. But the truth is that Jesus rested. He even walked away from crowds that wanted Him to do miracles, sent His disciples away, and went to a solitary place to commune with His Father.

      The Bible also tells us that Jesus only did the will of His Father (John 6:38). Jesus never did anything that He wanted to do, but submitted every action to His Father. While we are imperfect, we still must aim for that standard and by God’s grace may we begin applying it on a consistent basis.

     Although we usually don’t think of it this way, putting others first is a form of idolatry. Anything ahead of our relationship with the Lord is idolatry. This is a challenging lesson that I am learning as well, but if I put any ministry, any activity, any endeavor, any person, anything before God, I am sinning.

     The core of the false teaching of seeker friendliness is putting other people and their needs ahead of a personal relationship with God. Thus, all that is built is programs and outreaches based on needs—another social gospel—not God’s Kingdom. God’s Kingdom is one that begins in the heart of a man and then works itself into His life, transforming Him into a new creation as the seed of Almighty God’s Spirit blooms and grows as it is fed with the living nutrients and water of Jesus Christ (the Word).

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