In this day of such lawlessness and
despising of the Almighty, Jesus still remains Lord of all. We can ask a
question to the masses which can be summarized as “Christianity: Anyone?
At times it feels like there may not be
anyone who even wants to come to Christ anymore—as if all are hardened to the
message of the Gospel. But by God’s grace, through the work of the person of
the Holy Spirit, the Gospel is still going out to all the earth.
In America, we’re asking the
question—does anyone want to be a Christian anymore? We mean, a real
Christ-follower, someone who has a relationship with Christ and is on a path of
holiness out of love for the Savior—for without holiness no man will see the
Few seem to be on fire with a real,
living, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ these days. The culture views
Christianity as legalistic rules and solemn faces. In return, many in churches
have compromised Biblical truth in an attempt to create hype and “relevance”
that will draw the masses in. This has never worked, but it also has weakened
the Faith of many.
Is a shallow faith in Someone who loves
you all that Christianity is about? No, true Christianity has at its root the
foundation of the sovereignty of God; the sinful rebellion of man; forgiveness,
restoration and redemption in Christ Jesus—the Gospel; and holiness without
which no man will see the Lord following initial salvation. Let’s look at these
four items.
First, the sovereignty of God.
God Almighty rules over everything: He is
both the Creator and Sustainer of all and perfect Holiness, that is, there is
no error in Him. Sin, imperfection, rebellion, error—it is all eaten up in His
righteous presence. If God is not all-powerful, all-mighty, all-knowing,
all-sustaining, and a mighty judge then Christianity crumbles.
Second, the sinful rebellion of man.
The truth is that all mankind has
rebelled against God. We are all violating His perfect design of things: both
in our individual lives and corporately. We have sinned—we have transgressed,
broken, violated the Holy Law of God. Therefore, we are in rebellion to Truth
and Life. We are on a path to death.
Third, forgiveness, restoration, and
redemption in Christ Jesus—the Gospel.
Jesus died so that we could be restored
back into right standing with God—into intimate relationship with Him. Jesus
took all our violations of God’s perfect standard upon Himself, our sins, and
redeemed us. He bought us back by paying our debt on the Cross and He forgave
Fourth, holiness without which no man
will see the Lord following initial salvation.
When we first come to Christ Jesus, and
admit that we are sinners and need Him to be our Savior, we are instantly
justified—it is just as if we never sinned—for Jesus completely forgives us, He
purifies us. However, salvation does not end there. That is just the beginning.
Jesus is our Savior, but He also made
it very clear that He must be Lord as well if we are truly saved. Jesus must be
our Master, our King. In short, Jesus calls the shots and we obey. Holiness is
a term that has suffered much rebuke and disdain in recent years, but holiness
is God’s plan for us. Scripture clearly says without holiness no man will see
the Lord (Hebrews 12:14).
To put it simply, holiness is living
like God wants us to. It is not perfection for we cannot achieve on our own
what Jesus has already saved us from for violating. Jesus is our holiness on
one hand as we stay in close relationship (abide) with Him. On the other hand,
holiness does demand an act of our own will to reject the things of this world
and be set apart unto God. Scripture teaches that we are strangers in this
world, we are citizens of heavens. We don’t fit in here, but that is find
because we have an eternal home!
To those reading I ask, “Here is
Christianity in a nut shell—I’ve just laid it out for you. Will you run to
Christ? Will you embrace the truth? Anyone? . . . Anyone? . . .”
Cry out to Jesus, ask Him to save you
from your sinful state that deserves Hell—that’s where your Christianity
begins. Repent.
Now to grow and learn more about
holiness and make Jesus your Lord (living out your salvation after it has
begun) find a Bible-believing Church, spend time with other Christians (O
fellowship is so sweet!), and get and read a Bible.
you know someone who needs to know the message of Christianity Anyone? Anyone?
Then forward this email or send them here to get it in
ebook form.