The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Monday, June 17, 2013

1 Timothy Lesson 2

3 As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia,


We don’t know exactly what time Paul left Timothy behind, but we do know from the Scriptures that God directed Paul away from Asia to Macedonia (the area of Greece) in a vision. It could have been at this time that he told Timothy to abide—stay, remain—at Ephesus. . . . most likely to minister.



 that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,


The Apostle Paul’s letter ministry was almost solely for the purpose of getting people back to sound, solid, Biblical doctrine and away from extremes and conforming lives. Paul sends Timothy to do the same thing—to deal with those that were in the wrong and charge them—command them, hold them accountable—to teach no other doctrine but the truth.


 4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies,


You know what a fable is—it is a cleaver story. Well we as Christians can get to caught up in “clever stories” and “illustrations” and walk down a path that is unscriptural. And endless genealogies—think of the list of Jesus ancestry in Luke and Matthew. There are some people that reject the Christian Faith because of a one name difference in those two genealogies! From study, I am fairly sure that the reason for the difference is because one of the lineages is Mary’s side and the other Joseph’s. But the main point is that we shouldn’t get caught up on such a minor issue as genealogies and knit pick.


 which minister questions,


Fables, genealogies and whatever only create questions (doubts) so as Paul told Timothy, I tell you “don’t give heed to them!” Don’t entangled and caught up in foolish controversies. Preach the Word in season and out of season, and trust the Lord to build the house (Church).


 rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

Instead, focus on godly things—edifying (encouraging, building up) which is in the faith. Paul built people up in the Faith—reminding them of the basics—reminding them of the centrality of the message Christ: his life, his death, his resurrection, ascension, and REDEMPTION! You, young man, do the same. Remind people about Jesus and what He did for them—DO THIS! Don’t get caught up in fables and genealogies (whatever your “fables” and “genealogies” might be.

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