The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Let God know your Needs

In ages past, men and women of Faith used to let God alone know the their needs. There are amazing stories from George Mueller and Hudson Taylor and others doing this. When in the middle of a crisis and the destruction of their ministries—they simply cried out in prayer and did not tell others their needs. They Trusted God alone to provide as He promised he would for our needs (Matthew 6). Today, many ministries run on fundraising and marketing campaigns to generate revenue. You may not be involved in one of those ministries, but even you, a single person or family can apply the principle: tell God your needs and trust Him to stand by His Word. (Side note: do not think that asking God to pay the debts for a bunch of stuff that you run up on a credit card or a dream home mortgage to be a need—Matthew 6 will clarify what your needs are.)

The Podcast

The Podcast
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