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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The danger of Compromising Biblical worldview

The danger of Compromising Biblical worldview

     Again I must state that your worldview must be rooted in God’s Word (Matthew 7:24-27). It must be only built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11—21).

  Some think that a Christian Worldview is a belief in a literal 6 day Creation, standing against evolution, rejecting atheism’s claims, belief in the Fall of man, etc… those things are important and are valuable stances taken because of possessing a Biblical worldview, but the central theme of a Biblical worldview must be based on is Jesus Christ—He is the Word and His Truth is enduring. Our lives should be lived growing closer to Him, sharing the Good News of His Redemption at the Cross and Following His Words in every area of our life (yes, even voting and abortion)!

Read: 1Corinthians 3.   This passage declares our worldview focal point: Jesus Christ.

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