Faithfulness Lessons
#1 Be a Faithful Man
Most men
will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?
20:6 (KJV)
Pray before you start
Noah Webster’s original 1828 Dictionary
defines faithful as firm adherence to
truth and the duties of religion, firmly adhering to duty, loyal, true to
allegiance, constant in the performance of duties or services, true, exact, in
conformity to the letter and spirit, true to the marriage covenant, conformable
to truth, constant, not fickle—now, that’s quite a definition and each part
is very important.
want you to take some time to think about
what it means to be faithful to something.
God is looking for Faithful Men. Our
country desperately needs men who will be faithful, that is, loyal,
uncompromising, and dependable. We need men who will consistently serve God and
seek His face. Who will read their Bibles, love their families, and faithfully
teach and lead their families in the way of Christ without compromising or
giving up.
As the Proverb mentioned above says, most
men go around saying how good they are, but who can find a faithful man? In
other words, where is a faithful man that just does what is right, what he is
supposed to do, whether other people see him or not.