God is not a respecter of persons . .
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Ryan Marks
10:34 reveals that God is not a respecter of persons, or as some translations
say, He does not show favoritism. God does not treat everyone equally. To some
He gives great riches, to some He gives little – yet He offers contentment to
each. To some He gives poor health and to others seemingly perfect health – yet
He offers to be there with each.
problem is that we humans have tried to predict what God is going to do in our
lives. Some say we just don’t have enough faith. Others say its chance.
Sometimes God does heal. Did Jesus raise everyone that was dead in His time?
No. This verse (Acts 10:34) teaches us that what God gives to one person He
doesn’t have to give to another. Just
because He didn’t make you into Billy Graham doesn’t mean something is wrong
with you: He made you into you, and His plan for you isn’t going to be the same
as everyone else around us. Who heals and raises from the dead? God, not us.
God doesn’t give us each a million dollars for being a Christian, because He
knows what we truly need. The Bible teaches that God takes care of our needs,
but not that He will endow financial riches on all. God doesn’t give you more, because
you are better than everyone else, He gives you more because it is His will. Do you believe that God made you better than
everyone else? . . . . Remember that He does not show favoritism.