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The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Are Leaders AND Followers both necessary?

     Without followers there are no leaders; and unless one is humble enough to follow during seasons and submit to authority then one will be a rebel and tyrant. In the congregation, there will be certain leaders who have been called by God…as well as those who have likely been appointed by man. These leaders need to exercise their leadership in the fear of God. Followers need to follow the example of their authority and honor them, yet test their leadership by the inerrable standard of the Word. Yet leaders must also be followers in many situations, Dale points this out as he examines the Apostles. An illustration would be as follows: a pastor may be the worship leader on Sunday but when he is in a Sunday school class or Wednesday night study and isn’t teaching, he is to be a fellow follower and monopolize the conversation because he’s “in charge” in another area. Yes, he is the overseer of the flock, but there are times he is to follow the leadership of a fellow Believer the Lord has called to task in the Body.

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