The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Stand or Command

Will we stand for God or will we command change in our own strength? This question is important to think about and the one that follows it as well: are you attempting to control others or to stand for what God has called you to defend?

   It is easy to conform to our old nature and selfish agenda, but as Christians who are in the Word, having his mind renewed and in relationship with the Holy Spirit, being transformed into the image of Christ; we  need to leave our old opinions behind and conform to the Word. What is God’s take on abortion? Welfare? Taxes? Government? The Bible actually does talk about all these things and history has confirmed God’s truth multiple times. What happens when a nation like ours is lazy and involved in homosexuality (Sodom and Gomorrah)? What happens to a nation wrapped up in sex, money, and murdering their children ? The Bible holds the answers.

  God really does have an agenda for how we live our lives, run a nation, and operate as believers, but are we listening? And when God speaks, are we standing, going, take action ?

    Politics in the U.S. is in a horrible array, what will Christians do? Yes, we cannot force others to adhere to the Truth, but we can testify, proclaim, and live it.

  Even though we cannot command others to change, WE MUST STAND!

The Podcast

The Podcast
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