The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Faithfulness and Obedience are a Choice

Faithfulness and Obedience are a Choice

  You can choose to be faithful and obedient. You are never just “naturally” obedient; your human nature is naturally disobedient (Gen 3:6). Obedience is contrary to our nature, and thus we must exercise our will—make a choice—to obey.

But I have a great reminder for you! We serve a God that is always faithful and always keeps His Word! In other words, He obeys (keeps) His promises. And the greatest thing of all is that He loves you and me and ‘keeps after’ us with the message of His Son and the conviction of the Holy Spirit—He desires that none perish; yet they must make a choice: accept the final debt payment of Christ’s redemption from the power of sin or reject signing the debt over to Him and carry it themselves.

How’s your faith and obedience right now?

The Podcast

The Podcast
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