A Few
Points from John Piper
These few points come from my notes of a
John Piper’s Ask Pastor John podcast,
I pray they are a blessing to you and your ministry. Please share them with
your flock, especially those young men who are called to be ministers. By all
means I encourage you to have some savings and multiple streams of income (as
much as possible) even though you are a minister, but kill the desire to use
ministry as a tool for “riches.”
#1 Kill the desire to be rich in
ministry—don’t want this.
#2 Don’t just accumulate more and more if the
Lord increases your finances/resources, but grow your giving.
#3 Be transparent with a board of elders. Let
them know what your entire income, from all its streams, is.
#4 Live simply and model for your flock that
your true treasure is in Heaven.
#5 Have a leadership structure that includes
multiple elders where you serve as a “chief among equals.” In other words, you
each get one vote—you do not dominate and rule the group just because you’re
the minister.