The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Prestige of the Call

Do you serve God or men, minister?

Are you a man of holiness?

Does your congregation respect that you forgo many good things for time with God and your family?

Is your schedule and agenda dictated by God or man?

Do you sense God’s presence in your daily labors?

Most importantly, are you serving the Lord and in tune with His Spirit or striving to achieve your own plans and surrounding yourself with the counsel of man?


The Prestige of the Call


   You may be lifted up by some to be more than you really are. Some may idolize you. But as God’s minister, a man called and appointed by the Holy Spirit, you are called to be humble and when you know that someone is idolizing you it is important for you to lovingly show them their error. You are a servant, an instrument, a vessel in the Hands of God to touch lives and move in the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit, but you are not called to pridefully build your own reputation. Be above reproach, behave yourself wisely, and regularly monitor pride. Pride will destroy you! It destroyed Satan! It caused Eve to Fall! And it has been seen all throughout human history as the root of our sin and rebellion toward God. Beware of the platform—yes you are called to be in a public place and stand before the people, but do so as a servant-leader, one who follows Christ and sets an example for others with his life. Do not go after the allure of prominence. May God raise you up if it be His will, and may you be willing for God to at any time take you down from a position of prominence and into a ministry of obscurity according to His will.


Devoted Wholly to God’s Will

For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will,

 but the will of him that sent me.

John 6:38 (KJV)

    Jesus did not come to do His own will. No, Jesus came to do the will of His Father alone. Jesus did nothing of His own accord, but in all things obeyed His Father. Jesus set us the example for all manner of living—including how to follow God and minister in the Power of the Spirit.

    Minister, wholly dedicate yourself to the call of God. Surrender now, to only do your Lord’s will. Don’t act, move, or make decisions based on the pressure of the circumstances, but wait upon the Lord for His direction. As Bob Shultz, a humble carpenter who has gone home with the Lord used to say, “In the Bible, God has reserved the task of making decisions for Himself.” When we resolve to let God call the shots in our lives and ministries, there is a peace and freedom unlike any other. God is in charge, not us. We are in our proper place as servants and God is in His proper place in our hearts as King, Master, and Lord.

    When the Lord first called me to the ministry, I was quite young—14 to be precise. In a time of prayer, the Holy Spirit prompted me to begin sharing the Word of God through devotions. After prayer and seeking my parents’ counsel, God opened up the door. For about two years I led devotions for 8-10 young men who were my peers on Wednesday nights. As time went on, I had to continue battling with the fear of speaking, but the Lord kept opening doors—not a ton, but often 3-4 speaking engagements a year.

      But it was not just preaching that the Lord called me to. No, at 15, the Lord prompted me to begin writing a book. Since that time, the Lord has laid a burden for the American Church on my heart as well as a specific burden for raising up young men and pastors. The journey isn’t over yet, and I never would be where I am today or doing the things I am today of my own accord. But the Lord called, and I praise Him that I was not disobedient to the call!

      Minister, may you be faithful to your Lord and remain humble throughout your ministry. Always depend on the Lord.

      Mr. Oswald Chambers, Hudson Taylor, John Wesley, and others have some noteworthy quotes about ministry that have been encouraging to me and I pray that they are to you as well as we begin our study:


“Are you willing to spend and be spent; not seeking to be ministered unto, but to minister?”

Oswald Chambers

“It is easier to serve God without a vision, easier to work for God without a call, because then you are not bothered by what God requires; common sense is your guide veneered over with Christian sentiment. You will be no more prosperous and successful, more leisure-hearted, if you never realize the call of God. But if once you receive a commission from Jesus Christ, the memory of what God wants will always come like a goad; you will no longer be able to work for Him on the common-sense basis.”

Oswald Chambers


“I have lived for my work. That is all. If I had talked all the week, I could not have preached on Sunday. That is all. If I had attended committee meetings, immersed myself in politics and undertaken the general care of the Empire, my strength would have been consumed. That is all. Mystery there is none. I have made my preaching work my delight, the very festival of my soul. That is all. Young brother, go thou and do likewise, and God bless thee!”

Joseph Parker


“Don’t go after a ministry, anticipate the fruit of a disciplined life.”

John Wesley


“God’s work done in God’s way will not lack God’s support.”

Hudson Taylor


“A life spent in the service of God and communion with Him is the most pleasant life anyone can live in this world.”

Matthew Henry


“Worry erases the promises of God from your mind.”

 Chuck Swindoll


“The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.”

 Henry Varley


“All God’s giants have been weak men, who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them.”

Hudson Taylor


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