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Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Media: Good or Bad

The Media: Good or Bad

  The people of the world want truth delivered to them through the “media” that they watch, listen to, and read. These media sources can be majorly grouped as GOOD or BAD. Indeed, the “media,” in many cases, has used fear tactics to control people and cause them to live in constant alertness. Indeed, the “media” has often strayed from its original purpose which consisted of presenting the “news” on a truthful and moral manner.

  The positives of the “media” include the following: important “news” can be made known to the vast majority of people and can influence the world’s opinion rather easily if one does not filter what he sees, hears, and reads. However, a few negative attributes have been ascribed to the “media” in the last century or so. Not to group all the “media” in the same ship, but many “reporters” use fear tactics such as “exaggeration-of-the-truth” and “double-sided speech” (lying) to scare their realm of influence in to believing their opinion rather than the truth which they choose not to search out. Many a person has become a brainwashed creature that blindly follows the monstrous leader of the common “media.” The “media” is appalling by the type of fear and control that it possesses and instills in its listeners, readers, and viewers.

     People can retaliate against the affects the “media” have on them. One is that we can pray that God heals the brainwashed and deceived areas of our mind that the “media” has instilled in us. Another way is to replace some of the time that one spends on the “media” and replacing it with Bible reading to listen to God. Still another is to pray that God will change the hearts of the “media” drones and broadcasters.

     In conclusion, the “media,” for the most part, has fallen from its original purpose and we must combat it for it is mostly corrupt. Make the truth known to those you converse with and most importantly spread Christ. Since Jesus is the TRUTH He should be the focus of Christian “media” workers. Therefore if the people of God ban together and spread the Gospel we are doing the best that we can to change the “media” by planting seeds of Jesus.

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