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The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Friday, August 10, 2012

Daily Devotion from Ryan Marks book Thoughts

Thought 131

The Spirit of the Law

  Jesus taught that the physical act of sin is wrong, but so is contemplating that wrong in your heart. For example, a man that lusts after a woman has already committed adultery with her (Matt. 5:28). If the man lusting is unmarried, guess what? He has still sinned sexually with that woman in his heart!—he’s not exempt because he ain’t married! Likewise, women are not exempt from lust. It is not just a male problem. In fact, Eve, the very first woman, was the first human to lust when she “desired” the fruit (1 John 2:16, 1 Tim. 2:14).

  Lust and coveting seem to be synonyms, both are extreme and burning desires, longings if you will of want, and they are both tied directly to pride. Both lust and coveting are definitely all about, you, yourself, self-centeredness, it is PRIDE! Therefore, we should humble ourselves and pray in repentance, turning (constantly and consistently) from our wicked ways. Ladies, if you think about a man in a way that you should not and desire him in a way you should not; for instance, because of his strength, then you have sinned as well. Likewise a man or woman who hates another has already committed murder according to the Spirit of the law.

Read Romans 8 & Matthew 5:17-48

  Every married couple is composed of two murders and two adulterers. Why? Because each has lusted and each has hated someone at least once. It’s an uncomfortable truth, but think about it. . . . Some people commit the physical acts of adultery, murder, sex before marriage, sodomy, etc… but Christ died, He was NAILED to the cross, for both the physical acts that I have done and the lustful thoughts that I have had. HE DIED because I hated someone in my heart.

  Do you need to repent today?

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