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The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thought 186: Sensitive Subjects? from Ryan's devotional book series: Thoughts

Thought 186

Sensitive Subjects?

     Modesty? Sex? Taking a stand in direct defiance of the cultural norm? Persecution? Islam? In the modern culture of today many, pastors and Christians will not take an absolute right or wrong standpoint on “sensitive issues”. These “sensitive” subjects include: sin, lust, money, sex, creation vs. evolution, forgiving, marriage, divorce, dating vs. courtship, the inerrancy of the WORD of GOD, deception, lying, drinking, and many, many more.

      The culture basically says that anything that is unfamiliar or countercultural to it is a “sensitive” subject. We are warned by some that they will hurt us if we tell them that they are doing something wrong. But O followers of Christ, we cannot continue to be silent all the time! Some will hate us, yes, that is true. We WILL be persecuted. We will have to face temptations. Jesus promised us that serving Him would bring persecution, but we aren’t to fear the persecutor—we are to the LORD.

     Dear Christian, we are not supposed to be lukewarm. We should not be The Great Compromisers, but rather The Great Followers of God! Whether this means being bold, standing in an enormous gap against “the flow” (like evolution, the deity of Christ, the truth of sin, and the truth of moral absolutes),  praying and fasting and crying out to the Lord to heal your land, etc… We need to be world changers, not culture accepters!

     What way(s) are you accepting non-Biblical “stuff” into your life right now? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to make a change in your lifestyle and respond by throwing out any idols that He reveals. Throw out that X-box, get rid of that trash on your computer, get rid of cable, break or burn that music and those DVD’s that are encouraging you NOT to follow the Lord, and rip up or burn those books which are putting lies into your head every time you read them.

   We need to stand up for the Truth God in our personal lives. But only after we deal with our big “plank” we can clearly identify and remove our brothers “specks,” only after we have broken free from our own chains.

Read and meditate on Matthew 7:3-5 and then read 7:1-8

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