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The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thought 236: Trials, Tribulations, and Faith from Ryan's devotional book series Thoughts

Thought 236

Trials, Tribulations, and Faith

  Trials are simply testing periods during our walk with God. Just like with Job, Satan, has to receive God’s permission to torment or take something away from you. The Lord sometimes grants these requests to our Enemy and it is often difficult to understand why (and if we ever understand it is usually after the testing has occurred). For example, did Abraham not understand why God told him to sacrifice his son—Isaac was a gift!—yet God told Abraham to sacrifice the young man. . The command of the Lord did not make sense, but Abraham knew that God was speaking to him, not some Satanic messenger. So Abraham OBEYED in faith. Abraham had faith because he lacked the reason or evidence of why God was asking him to do such a thing, yet he believed it.

 Ultimately, Abraham’s obedience foreshadowed the coming of Christ our Savior. Christ was the final sacrificial Lamb upon an altar to the Lord. Only the ultimate sacrifice of God’s very being, who was in a human form, can rapture us to the Lord after our earthly death. Remember, this world is not our home, and our earthly death is merely the beginning of our eternal bliss with a Loving, gracious, and Merciful Lord, who is also Sovereign, Just, and Eternal! Hardship was necessary for Abraham and our Lord Jesus, we need not fear it, but endure it and place our faith in God’s wisdom and plan.

“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you” 1 Peter 4:12 KJV

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