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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Commands, Teachings and Life of our Lord Jesus Christ: Matthew 4:12-17

Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee; 13 And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim: 14 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, 15 The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; 16 The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.


       After Jesus was tempted by Satan for forty days and night in the desert and then was strengthened by Angels, Jesus heard that John was thrown into prison so Jesus departed into Galilee (the upper portion of Israel, far from Jerusalem and the Jordan).

Map from: Bible Explorer 4: Maps & Atlases: Maps: Jesus’ Journeys

        After going home to Nazareth in Galilee for a short time, Jesus went to live in Capernaum, which would end up being His “base of operations” throughout his ministry. Jesus went to Capernaum and the region of Galilee to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah which said:

Nevertheless the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict her by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations. 2 The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.

Isaiah 9:1-2 (KJV)

 I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; 7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.

Isaiah 42:6-7 (KJV)

    Galilee was a rural area, bordering on the land of the Gentiles (non Jews). Many of the people where fishermen and the average Galilean was much kinder than the typical snobbish Pharisee and Sadducees which gathered in Jerusalem and the cities of the south.

17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

      And from that time on what did Jesus do? He began to preach the same call that John the Baptist had preached, “Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” only He would go even further by feeding His sheep through parables. It is very important to realize that Jesus never studied the population to see what message would be best received when He taught the Word of God. Instead, Jesus obeyed His Father, taught truth, stood for what was right, and stood against injustice and pride. Jesus was by no means a people pleaser and that is largely why people didn’t like Him.

Matt 4:12-17 (KJV)

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