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Sunday, January 12, 2014

1 Timothy 5:23-24

Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

     Paul addresses an illness of Timothy’s directly, but also provides for us a very important reminder: drinking wine is not a sin. For just think about this one point: Scripture says that drunkenness, not drinking a glass of wine, is sin (Gal. 5:19-21). Likewise Jesus turned water to wine; He most certainly would not have done this if it were a sin. Plus, there is not Scriptural evidence to support that Jesus was a Nazarite who never cut his hair or drank wine. Instead, we see Jesus turning water into fine wine and passing around the wine cup to His 12 disciples and saying taking and eat for this is my blood poured out for the remission of sins. He would not have done this if it was a sin to take a drink of wine.

      Proverbs does say in chapter 31 that it is not good for a ruler to drink wine and thus in a drunken state pervert justice and earlier in 1 Timothy that an elder and deacon should not be given to much wine; however, a drink of wine is never expressly forbidden. Back then, wine was as common a drink as coffee or soda today. We would do well to look at the Scriptural emphasis on abstaining from addiction and the loss of one’s faculties and not on legalistic rules made by well meaning men (that’s what the Pharisees did).


24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.


      The sins of some are seen clearly before they die and they are judged; however, there are others whose sins remain hidden. These may think that they have gotten away with their sin, but that is not true. No, their sins follow them into eternity where they are judged for their sins. Scriptures teaches that there are degrees of punishment in Hellfire; however, there is no lesser punishment or refining process such as purgatory. All who go to Hell are eternally in torment, but the judgment each receives is proportionate to the amount of one’s transgressions of Law of God. Therefore, let us not sorrow when the wicked seem to thrive and their sins are glossed over by the world, for God is a just God and unless they come to repentance and glorious redemption in Christ, they will be punished according to the measure of their transgression.

1 Tim 5:23-24 (KJV)

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