on the Mark
As we begin a new year, it’s a great time
to begin seeking the Lord and setting purposeful goals to set ourselves on a
path that is moving toward God’s direction. Study the Scriptures, pray, maybe
take some time to get away. Update your life plans/yearly goals. Have clear
mission statements about where you are going and how you will get to where God
is calling you. Then role up your arms and take a bite at a time by
accomplishing measurable goals. For example, maybe your goal is to plant a
garden this coming year for the first time. Break down the goal into purchasing
seeds, building a fence or planting bed, preparing the soil, planting,
routinely weeding and involving the kids, harvesting, and preparing for next
year. There are even more tasks than these, but each one of these that you
accomplish and check off your sheet can help motivate you to keep going on.
There is nothing wrong with trying to help yourself stay motivated when you are
going after something God has called you to do. The danger only occurs when you
motivate yourself to just do what you want to do.
With this new
year coming, it is wise to start praying and meditating on where God wants you
next year and what He has for you to do.