The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

With God all things are Possible

With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Matt 19:26 (KJV)

     You can do anything that God wants you to. It is important that we believe this in our hearts and let the peace of Christ rule in our minds (Phil 4), because our thought life can build walls that hinder us from following God. One’s thought life is very, very important.

     I remember a car ride home with my Father and Brother where my Dad was teaching my little brother the importance of how powerful our thoughts are. He started off telling how the son of our Self-Defense Teacher was going to break a board that night and said before he hit it that he wasn’t good at this and didn’t break it. Then my Dad said something that stuck to my mind and heart, “You can do a lot more than you think you can….but Satan wants you defeated because then you’re [useless].” Does the vision God has given you seem too large? Too hard? Too out of your skill set? Not your personality? None of that matters. God can do the impossible; yea, He can do anything through us!

      Think of Noah, Joseph, Daniel, Samson, John the Baptist, Nehemiah, David, Ruth, and the many others we find in Scripture—they did extraordinary things because of God! If they would have just given up because it was hard or too big, they would have disobeyed God and the people of God may have been destroyed. Pause for a moment or two and contemplate how important your thought life is.

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